We blogged about Mr. Alexander here Friday, March 30th and again here when an item appeared in The Times Picayune.
It is now official and Mr. Alexander is running on this promise "I am running to end the 'good old boy' politics of the past and to provide new and effective leadership to the Attorney General's office."
Here is our Video Blog posted today.
In it Alexander says talks about the criticism he gets over a perceived lack of experience and what Bobby Jindal has to say about the race for Attorney General.
and, he will be a "hands on" type of administrator - he was in Washington . . . . . .
How much of a shot does Royal Alexander have of winning?
Not much ... now that Buddy Caldwell is running.
caldwell got skeletons make alexander look holy in comparison
ahh the wise minds that can convict a man based on party membership while hiding the misdeeds of foti and caldwell. Anyone with any knowledge of the race knows Alexanders resume is vastly superior to the two good ole boys he is running against.
This man is good honest and as bright as they come. He will be the next Attorney General because he has experience in Washington and intelect on his side and that's what we need.
you know, aside from this guys reputed moral shortcomings, he has obviously opted for a career in politics rather than law, and what we need as our states boss lawyer is someone who is committed to law as more than a ticket into politics. Don't like him - don't trust him.
I met him and I was thoroughly impressed, especially after the "used car salesman" approach of Buddy Caldwell. I will definitely vote for him.
Anybody who as the slightest inclicnation to vote for Buddy Caldwell for AG must go to youtube and view "Caldwell Revealed" where Dr. Dan Kyle testifies before the legislature. It will scare the daylights out of you. He is worse than Foti if that is possible. Alexander is the only choice.
Royal Alexander is a lightweight politician and a morally-compromised hack. If Dan Kyle's rant (in defense of HIMSELF at a leglislative hearing) is the darkest dirt he can dig on Buddy Caldwell, than Buddy is a saint. And if Royal is the best candidate the Party can field, the GOP has serious problems. Royale -- with cheese.
There is nothing lightweight about Royal Alexander unless by that you mean he is not weighted down by the dirty tie of corruption and self-enrichment as is Cowboy Buddy Caldwell. It is unbelievable that you minimze the frightening testimony of Dr. Dan Kyle who has now ended any hope Bud Caldwell had for statewide office. Buddy Caldwell's record of corruption and abuse is being hung about his neck like a dirty tie- perhaps the one that he left at his girlfriends house. He should stay home and to salvage his third marriage.
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