Those of us there that night will remember the return of Aces baseball in 1994 and can recall a packed house full of one of the most diverse groups of people in central Louisiana. The air was electric that night and it was more of a social event than a baseball opening night.

Jump to tonight with two Texas-Louisiana League titles (won back-to-back in 1997-98) and one Central Baseball League title (won 2006) under its belt and a core group of local baseball fans.
This evening may not have the same feel as that night in 1994 and there may be too much going on our area to fill the park, but with the opening pitch a tradition continues many in our area feel strong ties to.
1 comment:
"Play ball"
Sounds like a accurate description of what the Roy administration is doing with Cabrini Hosp. What do you think Manhattan could get for an acre of Cental Park?
It is distressing that, after all the speaches and declaration of high ideals, that they would even consider forsaking all that they stood for and their first opporunity,
Lamar White is a real estate developer. He would sell the Cathedral to Walmart if the commission was there. We expected more of Roy.
Why would Roy consider the Bentley preservation so important and the park destruction so inconsequential?
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