Thursday, July 12, 2007

Viewer's Voice - Vitter Feedback

Liz says...
Everybody forgave Bill Clinton, why not David Vitter. He at least told the truth, Clinton did not.

Anonymous says...
I think Vitter's biggest mistake was...He got caught. I'll still vote for him.

Anonymous says...
If Vitter had ran just a regular campaign and not run to all of the preachers to help him run on a platform of him being this great "family man" this would be no big deal. This is not my idea of a husband, father or the moral platform he ran on. He should have done like Edwin Edwards and said he loved all women! Black, white, small and big---he just loved women. We would have voted for him and not been disappointed. Women in Louisiana elected Edwin Edwards the first time he ran and we were never disappointed that he was not faithful to his wife. But, when you use your high morals as your platform you need to be able to live up to what you said you were. Also, if you go back to the scandal of Bill Clinton, if I am not mistaken Mrs. Vitter voice her opinion of Hillary staying with him to the media. And Mr. Vitter has been very quick to treaten the politicans that did not support him with an investigation by the FBI. Can he go through such an investigation? SHAME ON VITTER! He has embrassed his family and his supporters. He will never be taken seriously again.

Barbara says...
Regarding Vitters behavior, I don't think it will impact his politics at all. Unfortunately, it seems to be the thing for politicians to do. If they aren't homosexuals or perverts of some kind, then they are caught stealing massive amounts of money. Is it any wonder people don't vote. Everyone who gets elected seems to get richer and quickly develop their power base. They can give themselves huge raises and agree on that. I think they all use a common speech @ election time and pass it around to each other.

Goldia says...
I support David Vitter. He has an exceptionally good voting record, and if his wife can forgive him--who am I to not do so also.
Conservative politicians are always under attack by mean spirited people, while many liberals go uncensored by the same people. We must stop this needless waste of good people! No one is perfect except God and Jesus Christ. Jesus said to "Go and sin no more," not to throw the first rock...

Pattie says...
I think the people of Lousiana deserve MORE than an apology - How about - A REIMBURSEMENT of Expenditures that Vitter Misappropriated???? I'm Sure we can put the money into some kind of FUND for later.........

Ashley says...
I am pasting below my blog entry from your website to this message. I would love for my voice to be heard.
I'm not sure why we are always so surprised when something like David Vitter's situation comes out. We rightly hold our goverment to a higher standand than we hold ourselves but we always need to remember that these people are regualar men and women who sometimes fall short in morality and ethics. Should we be dissapointed in David Vitter? Yes. Should this ruin his carreer and plauge his ability to do his job? No. We should never judge a man or woman by their worst mistake. We are all bigger than that one action.
I understand what all of you are saying ... Shame on Vitter! But does this mean that his vision for Louisiana has become less valuable? I didn't vote for him because he was a good husband or father. And for those that did, shame on you. Politics is not ENTIRELY about personal life but about insight into the bigger picture. Can Vitter still deliver the forethought that he promised in the beginning? Absolutely! We must all rally around him and support the business side of his course of action. This does not mean condoning his choices. Leave the judgment of personal matters with his wife and God. Make no mistake, he will be accountable ... But at what cost? Hopefully not at the expense of the greater good of Louisiana.
One more thought ...
The subject of infidelity is an entirely different subject than Health Care, the War in Iraq, or Border control. I don't understand how his shortcomings as a husband play a role in his vision for this state. Furthermore, all the accusations made against him come well before his bid to D.C. Who are we to judge? As far as I can tell, he made peace with his inadequacies long before his campaign to be a Senator. If his wife can forgive, why not us?

Ty says...
Were his actions in his office under the desk?

Anonymous says...
I say leave Senator Vitter alone. Has he been a good Senator? If so, elect him again. Why spend so much energy crucifying him for a mistake made prior to his election.Focus on what really matters - what he's done and can continue to do for Louisiana.

Anonymous says...
Hustler just issued a press release, and they claim their $1 million dollar investigation has yieled credible information to link Vitter to five (5) prostitutes. I guess the snowball just gets bigger as it rolls down the hill Vitter tried to suppress.


Anonymous said...

Since so many of you sign names that are female names, does this mean you would not mind your husband taking $300 per hour out of your budget to pay for sex? Mr. Vitter should author a bill to legalize prostition. This is the way he lives his life so why not come out of the closet and say he thinks it is OK? He only says he is sorry because he was caught. But, at least so far he has only paid women and they have not been underage. I am glad Vitter is not my husband and it is a shame that his children have to say this man is their Daddy.

Anonymous said...

Question for Vitter. Are you ready to investigate all of the elected officials that came out against you in your election like you have threatened to do? Go ahead big boy! Let's see how far you get. What's good for the goose......

Anonymous said...

Time for a new post Michelle. this Vitter Story is soooo three weeks ago.